Dilum Strengthened the Investment Promotion Ecosystem Further by Launching the Ministry website

State Minister of Investment Promotion Dilum Amunugama recently launched the Ministry of Investment Promotion website. During the official launch, the Minister pointed out that” The task at our hand is more challenging and novel, the fundamentals are changing of FDI attraction, need new thinking and new communication approach, hence we need to relook at what our core promises and how relevant and attractive to the investor today. Our digital platform needs to be more robust and make the investor journey flowless with up-to-the-point information. A website with mobile adaptability will provide a much-needed digital tool that will complement the ease of doing in Sri Lanka.
The Ministry website will provide macro-level intervention to fulfill the needs of investors and provide vital facilitation and caretaker role, In the context of the BOI, Export Development Board, and Port City Colombo. As an office of strategic direction, the Ministry of Investment Promotion will provide policy and strategic guidance for key organizations under its preview. The website will be the principal communication liaison for local and foreign investors. It will provide much-needed digital connectivity.
The website explains what the Ministry stands for, the highest level of business standards, and will work as the prime mover of bringing foreign exchange to the country. The Ministry’s role entails creating a conducive policy, strategy, implementation, and investor-friendly ecosystem to ease the ease of doing business in Sri Lanka. Further, it will act as a caretaker of investor experience when doing business in Sri Lanka, and benchmark all stakeholders‟ responsibilities and deliverables in the context of FDIs and exports creating a “Nation Brand” that encapsulates the “Good Country image” of Sri Lanka. In the context of an international perspective, it will facilitate UN Sustainable Development Goals and ESG framework in promoting FDI and exports of Sri Lanka. Act as the enabler of Industry 4.0 and the digital FDI ecosystem, facilitating upskilling and reskilling of human capital in all organizations under its purview.
As the main communicating tool of the Ministry, it will disseminate detailed new legislation, and sector-related developments and fulfill information accessibility to all party concerns. To maintain integrity and transparency, all the details of the tenders, transactions, appointments, and recruitments will be hosted on the website.