Investment Promotion State Minister appoints country representatives to woo potential investors

Investment Promotion State Minister Dilum Amunugama recently appointed country representatives to six countries in a bid to disseminate actual facts about Sri Lankan image to potential investors and promote the country as the premier destination for investment.
The country representatives, who are well-experienced personnel in diverse sectors, will represent Sri Lanka in countries such as India, Malaysia, UAE, Republic of Korea, and the United Kingdom.
Addressing the event, the State Minister said “It is evident and apparent that the country’s image is being tarnished by the erroneous information being circulated in foreign media, which have a detrimental and monumental bearing on the country’s image,”
“Due to the proximity to potential investors and their knowledge of economic and political conditions in the countries, these officials can reach out directly to the potential investors and deliver accurate information, and provide them with the data they need to make an informed investment decision in favor of Sri Lanka,” Mr Amunugama articulated.
“Furthermore, given the international competitiveness to attract Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), the promotional aspect of the country’s position and nation branding has come to the fore. As we know, Sri Lanka’s strong suit is its strategic location and business-friendly atmosphere to do business. In this context, it is imperative to focus on promoting Sri Lanka as the best destination in the Asian region. As such, the newly appointed representatives would be ideal to tell positive stories about Sri Lanka, thereby driving more investments into the country,” the State Minister added.
These officials will monitor the conditions of respective countries and maintain a cordial and direct dialogue with the Board of Investment of Sri Lanka.
Investment Promotion Ministry Secretary M.M. Nayeemudeen and BOI Director General Renuka M Weerakone participated in the occasion.